Financial Order

The introduction of ‘no fault’ divorce in April 2022 made it easier than ever to apply for a divorce online. However, we have noticed a significant increase in clients instructing us having obtained a divorce ‘Final Order’ but who unfortunately have not secured a ‘Financial Order’, leaving financial issues with their now ex-spouse unresolved. This can have many significant affects on future claims and we would always therefore recommend seeking advice from a specialised family solicitor to ensure your assets (marital and post-marital) are protected from any future claims from your ex, which can happen for years after your divorce if a financial settlement is not agreed through court. We understand that clients often worry about the costs of advice and therefore we offer a free initial consultation to discuss any concerns you may have.

If you would like more information on a financial order, please contact us and one of our solicitors would be happy to offer you their specialist advice.

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